Saturday 9 August 2014


Here's a cute idea I found on the net for how to use these as a topping for pancakes or waffles (could use canned or fresh lychees if you can't get these). Tropical flavours!

7 whole rambutans
1 tsp vanilla essence
½ cup coconut milk
3 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut

1) Dry roast the shredded coconut in a pan on medium heat for about 30 seconds till the coconut shreds turn golden/brown and release a wonderful aroma. Set aside.
2) Cut the rambutans in the middle and peel the skin. Remove the pit from the fruit centre.
3) Combine coconut milk, rambutan and vanilla essence in a blender and blend the mixture for about 20 seconds. You want to have rambutan pieces in the sauce so if they have turned into a puree then add small pieces of cut rambutan to the pureed sauce.
4) Serve with pancakes or waffles.
5) Sprinkle the dry roasted coconut on top.

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