Tuesday 10 December 2013

Trying to grow strawberries from seed at over 30 degrees...

Customs let me bring in this nifty little strawberry seed kit, so I thought I would have a go at "just adding water."

Yes it does look like a takeaway coffee cup and I think that the heat here made the conditions inside the container a lot like a hot cup of coffee!

So after 6 weeks and no sign of seeds I decided to dump the dirt into one of my outdoor pots and just see if anything happened...

After another couple of weeks 8 tiny plants appeared! 
I spent a lot of time on the internet trying to identify
if these leaves look anything like strawberry seedlings
and not just some random weeds!

Ok, so if the poor things hadn't enough to deal with heat and humidity! 
I started to wonder why there was an indent in the ground each morning,
so I did a night watch one evening...


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